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Blog posts tagged with 'action filter'

Overriding (Intercepting) nopCommerce Controllers and Actions

Many developers have asked on nopCommerce forums for ways to override nopCommerce Controller. Others have asked about how to intercept certain events or actions (such as add to cart) on server side, run some custom codes, and continue with the original process.

The answer is simple - Action Filter. But what is Action Filter? Think of it as a custom method that gets called before or after a desired Action. If you are familiar with WebForms, you can think of an Action Filter as a Http Module

In this article, we'll talk about the power of Action Filter, and how you can use it to add behaviour to your nopCommerce code.

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I am Woon Cherk, an nop mvp; and this blog is the place where I share my experiences developing nopCommerce themes and nopCommerce plugins. I also give out free nopCommerce plugins and free nopCommerce themes from time to time, make sure you subscribe to our e-mail newsletter to get updates and freebies! Click here to read more about me.