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nopCommerce How To: Increase Sales by 40%

You are leaving money on the table! Or at least that's what 80% of e-commerce store owners is doing.

You see, most business owners spend majority of their time trying to figure out how to get more traffic to their store. That's a natural (and often time most logical) way to increase the sales of any business, but is that the only way?

Before we dwelve into that, it must be agreed that there's nothing wrong with getting more traffic. Afterall, who (in business world) hates more traffic?

However at the same time, that is a dangerous thinking, because traffic is expensive. If your only way of growing is to get more traffic (read: buy traffic), you will quickly find yourself overspending.

Is there a better way? The next best option people can think of is usually Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO).

But there's one caveat with CRO - it takes lots of time, data and trials & errors before you can find the 'holy grail' that would actually make a difference. Plus, successful CRO campaigns require a lot of expertise. 

Put it short - CRO is often a big buys game.

So is there a way that is faster, easier, less resource intensive that doesn't cost a bomb?

Yes of course! And "Do you want fries with that?" 

McDonald's Famous Up-sell & Cross-sell Tricks

Well, just kidding. I am not trying to sell you fries, that's McDonald's job.

Speaking of which, do you know that McDonald's only earn $0.06 for each burger sold

That's hard to believe, considering McDonald's is one of the most successful company in human history.

Apart of all the great things McDonald's has done to sell their products, one trick worth noting is their famous up-sell & cross-sell phrases "Do you want fries with that?" and "Do you want to go large?".

I could get into the details and calculation on how asking people for up-sell and cross-sell items could drastically increase their profit, but I'll not do that here. (Read this article if you want details)

But the logic is simple - assuming traffic is the same (i.e no change in customer volume), by making the customers buy more items, McDonald's is able to drastically increase the Average Order Value (AOV) and profit.

Seriously, that's dead simple!

10 persons spending $5 each is better than 10 persons spending $4 each. That's elementary school math.

And the best part? It does not require any more resources than having the cashier asking 1 or 2 simple questions.

How to Offer Up-sell & Cross-sell on nopCommerce?

Well, that's the point of this blog post!

Check out SmartOffer, which helps you start offering up-sell & cross-sell on your nopCommerce store. All you need is 30 minutes of finding out what products to upsell / cross-sell.

The plugin is easy to setup, and once configured, it'll do the magic in auto pilot!

Enough reading! Now download this plugin for free, and start seeing the result! 

Hello, welcome to pro nopCommerce!

I am Woon Cherk, an nop mvp; and this blog is the place where I share my experiences developing nopCommerce themes and nopCommerce plugins. I also give out free nopCommerce plugins and free nopCommerce themes from time to time, make sure you subscribe to our e-mail newsletter to get updates and freebies! Click here to read more about me.